Why I chose my carrier?

When I was a kid, I went to a lots of funeral, because the family of my grandmother was to big and old. When I saw my family cry and sad, I felt like to needed to do something. In this moment I started to get interest in the people's health, But only a little. In that time I like firefighters so much, and i wanted to come one of them. Firefighters was my heroes, because when I was 5 years old my parents and I have a car accident and they help us. In high school I start to study some science like chemistry and biology, and I loved them. I know if I study something associated with this two subject I would be happy. So I decided to study biochemistry. The moment when I had to make a decision, i change my mind. I wanted to study something more related with the people's health, and finally I decided to study pharmaceutical chemistry.

I was scared when I start to went to university. But I made a lot of friends and even now I have a lot of fun, altough I stressed so much.

I will enjoy work in clinical pharmacy in a hospital and help a lot of people, also I like to have my own pharmacy and manage it. I thought make a new medicine for some disease it would be fun too.
